Free Flowcharts, Sitemaps, Visual Thinking / Mappe visive e siti gratis

From Wikipedia: “Visual Thinking” [accessed 10/07/2010]:
Picture thinking, visual thinking, visual/spatial learning or right brained learning is the common phenomenon of thinking through visual processing using the part of the brain that is emotional and creative to organize information in an intuitive and simultaneous way.”

Online visual thinking, learning and collaboration tool for students, teachers, and thinkers are nowadays available everywhere. It is possible to brainstorm ideas, visualize concepts, organize information and collaborate with others anytime, anywhere. The tools I mention today are three: SlickPlan, Thinklinkr, and Webspiration (now Beta, next Autumn in final version). Each tool is free (after you register for it).
All the tools mentioned above allow to work collaboratively on assignments and work, always available, automatically saved, and stored online. Collaboration and peer review are easy. Everyone you invite creates, edits and comments on the same document. Whether working individually or with a group, SlickPlan, Thinklinkr, and Webspiration are very good tools for visual thinking, writing, studying and learning.
To conclude, for those who are interested, it could be interesting to see the website “VisualSpatial.Org“. Please, see also summary chart below.

In Italiano:
Oggi sono disponibili molti strumenti per la visualizzazione delle informazioni online, per mappe concettuali visive e collaborative. Studenti, docenti ed esperti possono visualizzare i concetti, organizzare le idee e lavorare in tempo reale con altri. Gli strumenti che segnalo in questo post sono tre: SlickPlan, Thinklinkr, Webspiration (al momento in Beta, ma si prevede la versione definitiva per questo autunno. NB: tutti i siti suggeriti sono gratuiti (dietro classica creazione dell’account).
Una buona risorsa (ma in lingua inglese) sul “Pensiero visivo” è reperibile sulla pagina di Wikipedia relativa alla voce “Visual Thinking”, con vari riferimenti. Infine, vale la pena visitare il sito “